Monday, December 15, 2008

Zoo Negara Malaysia

On one weekend I got so bored so I decided to go to the Zoo Negara (National Zoo) to check it out.

It's been more than 10 years since my last visit to the Zoo Negara, I still remember my last visit to Zoo Negara was with... erm... the standard six graduation trip? kua...

The zoo is managed by a non-governmental organization which is fully funded by only gate receipts and sponsors, so it didn't change much since decades ago, imagine how much food the animals needed, maintenance fees, workers salaries and macam-macam costs, they've already done a good job maintaining it until today and still managed to breed some endangered animals and add in some new animals.

So here are some of the pictures that i took in the zoo. I am not a zoologist so I don't know the exact names of some animals.


A penguin house with a few penguins inside


Tupai Pahang that I saw at Tasik Chini




Big birds



A deer trying to get food from me

Real lions

Fake lions

Some multiple shots of the tigers showing off their swimming skills


Damn big guinea pigs

See, my biology isn't that bad right, at least I managed to recognize all the animals.

The zoo also has free animal shows for to the visitors, but the shows are basically the same many years back. Parrots tricks, sea lions jumping here and there... How I wish that I can see Penguins flying a plane, just like in the movie Madagascar 2, that'll be fun.

Nonetheless, the show was still a hit among the visitors with the mini stadium fully packed.

Sorry for the blurry photos, I was late for the show because I got lost in the zoo and had to settle for a seat way behind the mini stadium.


Anonymous said...

Zoo is no longer an attraction as it was before, they should compare it with Singapore, and find ways to improve...

Leong Yi Yang said...

yup, totally agree with you. but look at the bright side, out zoo's tigers are tamer than Singaporean's, remember the white tigers kill incident? :-)

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