Thursday, June 25, 2009

Perlis Stadium

When I was back in Perlis, I went to the Perlis stadium to have a look. I don't know why I suddenly had the
feel to go visit the Perlis stadium, maybe that's the place of good old memory where I used to play with my homwtown friends a few years back.

Back then, when I was still a secondary school student, I used to go to the Perlis stadium with my friends to play football, although I suck in football, but I had lots of fun there.

The entrance

The Perlis stadium is the most complete sports arena in Perlis, except for the usual main arena, there are lots of other sports facilities around like the swimming pools, hockey field, tennis courts, and the lawn ball field. Not exactly the facilities that can meet the Olympics standard but enough to meet the fulfill the Perlis people needs for proper sports facilities.

The Singa Utara Cafe (Northern Lion Cafe), for the hardcore Perlis football team fans

Remember the Terengganu state's stadium where it collapsed and everyone involved became
kelam-kabut fingerpointing?

"Sir, the stadium just melted due to the hot weather, not my fault you know..."

The Perlis stadium is still there after so many years, don't play play ok.

I drove around the Perlis stadium to check out whether are they any changes after so many years, and it's a yes, lots of changes.

First of all, the GARBAGE.

Yes, although the Perlis stadium didn't collapse, but it was like a garbage site.

Welcome to Perlis stadium garbage site

There were garbages everywhere.

I think this is the "Increase the aedes mosquitoes campaign"

Maybe after a few years I won't be able to find the stadium because it's covered by tonnes of garbages.

Then, it's the problem of damaged facilities.

When I saw the facilities around the stadium I was very disappointed at how the management manages the facilities.

"Sir, the fence just melted, not my fault also..."

Torn fences, untrimmed grass, rusted steels, and many more.

Quite ok but the rusted goal posts ruined it.

The only properly-managed facility is the tennis court, the rest were like sports facilities from Afganistan.

One of the properly-managed facilities

I wasn't able to check out the swimming pool because of time constraint but from what I heard from my friends it is still ok, hopefully my friend was right.

The swimming pool from the outside

But overall the stadium is still ok, the main arena is properly maintained and the roads are better than those in KL.

Better paved than the KL's MRR2

It can be better, so whoever is the management of the Perlis stadium, please
lah, do something before the stadium is history.


Anonymous said...

About the garbage.. my guess is that your visit was on Sunday.. the day after the match day and garbage collection was not done on Sunday...

Leong Yi Yang said...

Yeah, maybe. But if there were other visitors from all over the world visiting Perlis, then Malaysia's image will be ruined.

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