Monday, July 27, 2009


My car was broken into near the parking lot of my office last Friday.

That fucker thief broke my car's front passenger window and got away with a drawer full of... syilling... which were not more than RM5 ONLY.

The consequences:
1. My happy-Friday-off-work mood was spoilt

2. I drove all the way to the repair shop with a smashed window and the passenger seat was full of window pieces

3. While driving to the car repair shop I created a small traffic jam because Malaysians tend to slow down and check out car with smashed windows, even though its non of their business

4. I spent RM120 to replace the window

5. And I spent another RM600 to install a full car window tinting which the shop's owner claimed as hard to break, which was never been proven

For the record, this is the 4th time my car was messed by the cibai thief.

1st case:
My car's CD player was stolen when I parked in a housing area in Alor Star. The thief managed to open my car without setting off the car alarm. Damage: RM700 to replace the CD player, which was thankfully covered by my dad.

2nd case:
My car's antenna was stolen near my office. Damage: RM70 to replace the antenna so that I can listen to my favourite radio station in car.

3rd case:
Do you know the small little rubber caps which you removed from your car tyres' air hole when you want to pump some air into your tyres? Yes, that small little cheap thing. I got mine stolen at the Sunway College, all 4 of them. Damage: Free, because I got 5 for free from a kind tyre shop owner near my house.

As a conclusion, I wish all the thief that messed with my car have a very small dick and their asshole shifted place from the buttocks into their mouth, so that they can eat their own shit every time they shit.


PYLAU said...

YY, told you when we first joined, those places not safe to park one lar..... :P

Anyway, for the record, tinting your window does resist it from breaking. Proven from my record. They will crack but not shattered into pieces....

Leong Yi Yang said...

yeah, i know... juz that i m lazy to wait for the shuttle if i park at "Lot Far".
hopefully no thief will go and "test" my tinted car windows .

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