Sunday, August 17, 2008

How to eat fresh rambutans

First you need to find a rambutan tree full of rambutans.

Because most rambutan trees are quite tall, you need a special kind of scissors to cut the rambutans from the tree.

As most of the modern people today only know how to order rambutans online, this special scissors requires preparation by the experienced professionals.

The experienced professional

Inappropriate use of this special equipment may lead to you accidentally cut your own kukuciao off.

After the special equipment are ready to be used, just find rambutans from the tree and cut it by pulling one of the ropes, then the rambutans will fall onto the ground. Easy job.

If the dropping point of the rambutans is into the river, you need someone else to collect it before the rambutans dropped into the river.

Professional rambutan collector

If you have some kind of small hut where you can climb up onto the roof for easy access of the rambutans, just do it because you may save a lot of energy and time.

After you have done from the roof top, the way you jump down from the roof is very important or else you will break your legs.

The correct way to jump

Collect all the rambutans and put it under the sun for a while so that all the ants will go away.

Last step: Enjoy the rambutans.